Paper GIF?

This: interlaced skull

Folded like this: _/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_

Looks kind of like this:

To make the image you have to combine two or three images in slices. This is called interlacing. You could do this by copying and pasting each strip in a fancy photo editor, but it is easier with Meemoo.

You have to input the images in a certain order. Here are the patterns for two and three images:

With two images, you input the image to be seen from the left, then right.

With three images, you input the image to be seen from the right, then middle, then left.

Here is the Meemoo app that I used to interlace the images. You can use your webcam or choose image files in the first module. Interlace.count is the number of images to combine. Interlace.size is the width in pixels of each strip.